пятница, 8 июля 2011 г.

Blagoveshchensk: Russia’s anchor on the Amur River | Russia Beyond The Headlines

Летний Благовещенск. Фото автора публикации.

     На уроках и во время внеклассной работы каждый учитель уделяет большое внимание воспитанию гражданственности и патриотизма. Особой любовью учителей и учащихся пользуются уроки на тему "Родной город". Долгие годы учителя иностранного языка испытывали большие трудности, так как не было соответствующих методических пособий по краеведению. Выпускники обменных программ обратили на это внимание общественности во время конференций, семинаров и открытых мероприятий.
           Я проводила уроки-экскурсии по Благовещенску в летней школе английского языка, ежегодные викторины и конкурсы, в том числе межкультурные. Ребята делали презентации, писали письма, сочиняли стихи о родном городе. Во время работы над проектами выпускались информационные листки, листовки и брошюры.
   Сегодня без труда можно найти информацию о Благовещенске в средствах массовой информации. Ниже по ссылке можно перейти к одной из последних публикаций о Благовещенске.

Предлагаю вопросы и задания для проведения краеведческой викторины на английском языке:

Questions for the Quizzing Game "The Place We Live In"

1. What famous Russian explorers studied and described the Amur area?

2. What industry was of great importance for the formation of the population and economic development of the region in the second half of the 19th century?

3. When was the Amur Region separated from the Khabarovsk Territory to form an independent administrative region?

4. What city founded on the right bank of the Zeya River in 1912, was originally named Alexeyevsk?

5. When were the existing borders established?

6. What is the total area of the Amur Region?

7. How many towns are there in Amurskaya Oblast?

8. What is the climate like in the south of Amurskaya Region?

9. How many administrative districts is the region divided into?

10. On what rivers were hydroelectric stations built?

11. Who is the museum named after? What is known about him?

12. Where is the museum located? What is known about the history of this building?

13. Name the artist whose drawings and paintings are being exhibited in the museum.

14. What is the first institution of higher learning, established in 1920?

15. What writers and poets born in Priamurje do you know?

16. The largest river fish of the world inhabits the river Amur basin. What is it?

17. What is the nature like in the south of Priamurje?

18. Name at least 5 trees growing in the Amur Region.

19. What is the rarest and most beautiful of the wild flowers growing in the region?

20. Name at least 5 flowers growing in the wild in the Amur region.

21. Characterize the vegetation in the north of the region.

22. What tree is valuable for its durable wood and is often used for building?

23. Name at least 5 birds you can see at the museum.

24. Name at least 5 animals which are hunted for fur.

25. All in all there are 19 endangered species in the Amur Region.

Name at least 5 of them.

Play the Game: Word Building:

1. Build your word list. Priamurje: (up to 60 words can be built). How many words do you know?
(Prim, prime, pie, pier, par, pare, pair, purr, pure, puma, pea, pear, rip, ripe, riper, rim, rime, rap, rapier, rape, ram, ramp, rare, rum, rump, rue, rep, repair, reap, ream, rear, ire, impure, ape, arm, are, air, aim, mire, map, mar, mare, jar, jam, jump, jumper, jumpier, era, err, ear, emu, umpire, urea...)

2. Choose 5-10 words from your list and ask your students to make up a story about the place you live in.

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