понедельник, 8 августа 2011 г.

Swap shop

Те учителя, которые вступили в дальневосточную ассоциацию учителей английского языка FEELTA, регулярно получают информационные письма. В них сообщается о профессиональных семинарах, конференциях, конкурсах. В разделе информационного письма, который называется Swap Shop, преподаватели делятся (обмениваются) интересными материалами.


We continue our series of tasks that are grouped to be used while studying a particular Grammar theme. Welcome to the next Grammar theme –


1. Answer my questions using the adverbs of frequency: rarely, sometimes, usually, often, always, never:

1. Do you ever go to museum?

2. Do you ever cry at sad movies?

3. Do you ever speak English at home?

4. Do you ever come late for your classes?

5. Do you ever get up at 5?

6. Do you ever study all night?

7. Do you ever fall asleep in a lecture?

8. Do you ever eat breakfast in bed?

9. Do you ever sleep until noon?

10. Do you ever spend money foolishly?

11. Do you ever go roller skating?

2. Moving around the room find someone who

...plays the guitar

...loves the group “Queen”

...has 2 brothers

...likes champagne

...goes to bed at 10

...has a granny in a village

...eats in a restaurant every week

...studies in the library

...has coffee for breakfast

...plays cards

3. Talk to your friend and tell the class about his habits, beginning your sentences with:

He always... He often...

He never... He usually...

He seldom... He hardly ever...

4. Imagine that you are a bird or an animal. Describe yourself using the phrases given below and let your friends guess who you are.

I normally eat...

I’m afraid of...

When I have to move I usually...

I don’t eat...

...is/are afraid of me.

During the day I...

At night I...

I live in...

I can...

I live for...

5. Find out about each other's study habits using the questions below. Choose an appropriate adverb of frequency to answer each question.

1. Do you wake up early to study for an exam?

2. Do you study at night?

3. Do you delay studying as long as you can?

4. Do you eat while you're studying?

5. Do you listen to music while you're studying?

6. Do you call up a friend to ask questions?

7. Do you fall asleep while you're studying?

8. Do you study with a friend?

9. Do you study at a desk?

10. Do you study on Friday or Saturday night?

6. Compare eating customs in the United States to those in your country. Then talk about them to the class.

Eating in the United States.

1. In US, the main meal of the day is dinner & people eat it at about 6:30 p. m.

2. Americans often eat between meals. Snacks include fruit or junk food such as potato chips & candy bars, or cheese & crackers.

3. Americans “eat out” once or twice a week.

4. Americans eating less meat & more vegetables & fruits.

5. American men are beginning to show an interest in cooking & preparing dinner. Working couples often share the kitchen chores.

6. Ethnic food is very popular. There are a lot of small restaurants with food from a variety of cultures.

7. There are a lot of fast food restaurants, such as McDonald’s.

(From “Side by Side” by S. J. Molinsky, B. Bliss )

Collected by Tatyana Vlasova

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