День матери в России
Мама — первое слово,
Главное слово в каждой судьбе.
Мама жизнь подарила,
Мир подарила мне и тебе.
Песня из к/ф «Мама»
Нет, наверное, ни одной страны, где бы не отмечался День матери. В России День матери стали отмечать сравнительно недавно.
Источник: http://www.calend.ru/holidays/0/0/169/
© Calend.ru
Мама — первое слово,
Главное слово в каждой судьбе.
Мама жизнь подарила,
Мир подарила мне и тебе.
Песня из к/ф «Мама»
Нет, наверное, ни одной страны, где бы не отмечался День матери. В России День матери стали отмечать сравнительно недавно.
Источник: http://www.calend.ru/holidays/0/0/169/
© Calend.ru
Mother’s Day is celebrated on different days in different countries. In the United States, Australia, India, Canada, China, Mexico, Nicaragua, the United Arab Emirates, Ukraine and Japthan it is the second Sunday of May. In Belarus, it is October 14. In the U.S. and Australia, it is customary to wear carnations on Mother’s Day – a red one if your Mom is living and white one if she is dead.
Since 1994 Mother's Day has been celebrated in Russia on the kast Sunday of November. Read more: http://voiceofrussia.com/2011/11/27/61105621/
What is Mother's Day?
- It is a special holiday to honor mothers and grandmothers. In the United States and Canada, it is on the second Sunday in May. Adult children usually take their mothers to a restaurant for breakfast or lunch. Younger children often cook breakfast for their mothers on Mother's Day. Mothers receive flowers, cards, and gifts on this special day. Remember to tell your mom that you love her on Mother's Day.
- How and when do we celebrate Mother's Day is Russia? Make a story about Mother's Day.
What are popular gifts for Mother's Day?
- Cards, pins, and flowers are popular Mother's Day gifts.
- What did you give to your Mother as a present for Mother's Day?
How can you let your mother know you love her?
- Give her a big hug.
- Give her a big smile.
Is Mother's Day for grandmothers, too?
- Yes, it is.
- Be sure to hug your grandmother, too.
Why are mothers special?
- Because they care for children.
- Be sure to say "Happy Mother's Day" to your mother or grandmother.
For younger pupils // Для младших школьников:Read and listen to a talking story "Happy Mother's day, Dear Dragon!"
Words and phrases
Кроссворд на английском языке а
Read and do the task
Picture puzzle Mother's Day
Watch the video about the history of Mother's Day
Holidays in Russia
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