Главный репортаж на сайте олимпиады:
Russia Welcomes the World
Посмотрите лучшие фотографии, сделанные во время церемонии открытия
Учителям английского языка, возможно, будет интересно узнать, как комментировали открытие олимпиады иностранные корреспонденты.
BBC Sport о подготовке к олимпиаде:
The New York Times:
The message of the opening ceremony: "In a big way Russia is back"
"The 18-chapter, nearly three-hour opening ceremony began at the symbolic moment of 8:14 p.m. - 20:14, as time is counted here - and provided a majestic spectacle that included a glowing troika of horses made of light streaking through a snowbound sky, the multicolor onin domes of St. Basisl's Cathedral bobbing in the air; literary references to Gogol, Tolstoy and Nabokov; images of Stalinist skyscrapers; and performances by Russia's storied ballerinas, musicians and singers".
Olympic Pictures of the Day^ February 7 with The New York Times
Highlights of the Opening Ceremony

The Russian athletes marched in to loud applause Chang W. Lee/The New York Times
"Зимняя Олимпиада началась блестящей церемонией"
"It was big. It was bold. And it has got the Winter Games started.
A glittering opening ceremony has been held in Sochi with dance, music, fireworks and a journey through Russia’s history to delight the 40,000 people present.
Host President Vladimir Putin was joined by more than 40 world leaders.
Millions more watched on television and via the Internet as the 22nd Winter Games got underway at the state-of-the-art Fisht Stadium."
Russia: Beyond the Headlines:
Фотографии, комментарии, видео, ссылки здесь!
Team Russia have impressive chunky knitwear and the women long fur-trimmed santa coats in blue, white and red. Nice effort.
Статья об одежде российских олимпийцев (на английском языке)
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