понедельник, 4 апреля 2011 г.

О чём расскажет эта карта?

Впервые преподаватели английского языка как иностранного могут сравнить результаты своей деятельности. Международная программа по оценке качества образования "The EF English Proficiency Index (EPI)" измерила уровень компетенций по этому предмету у взрослого населения более чем в 40 странах. Хотите узнать на каком месте наша страна, и где знают английский язык лучше, чем в России? Изучите эту интерактивную карту:

Standardizing measurement of adult English proficiency
The EF English Proficiency Index (EPI) has been created in this context as a standardized measurement of adult English proficiency, comparable between countries and over time. It is the first index of its kind to give countries a benchmark against which to measure the average English competency of the working population. The index uses a unique set of test data from over two million adults who took free online English tests over a period of three years. Because this group of test takers is so diverse and the entry barrier to taking an online English test is so low, the resulting scores are reasonably representative of the average English level of adults. While there is no guarantee that this particular proficiency score corresponds to the academic and economic goals set by an individual nation, the EF EPI does provide a uniquely standardized comparison of English proficiency. This is useful for citizens and governments alike when trying to evaluate the effectiveness of their English language policies as compared to their neighbors’.
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