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US Kids' Pictures |
Удивительные проекты с учащимися начальных классов организовывали мы с американской учительницей Миссис Экерман в течение нескольких лет. Так как ни американские, ни российские дети ещё не умели писать по-английски, мы, их учителя, были между ними посредниками. Учащиеся писали коротенькие письма на родном языке, задавали вопросы устно или письменно, отвечали на вопросы, рисовали, загадывали загадки, обменивались подарками, книгами, рисунками, поделками, видео и аудио-письмами. Мы всё это упаковывали, писали подробные письма и отправляли "сумки дружбы". Однажды на адрес нашей школы пришла огромная посылка, которую я с трудом могла поднять. В ней находились 32 картонных автопортрета наших американских друзей.
С появлением электронной почты, мы с Бетти сразу-же воспользовались этим новшеством, и нашим учащимся больше не нужно было ждать ответ от своих друзей по два-три месяца. Теперь мне кажется невероятным всё то, что нам удалось сделать.
Прочитайте несколько писем от учительницы и её учащихся из штата Миссури. По ним легко догодаться о чём я и мои второклассники им рассказывали, какие вопросы задавали.
Dear Valya,
Here is the answer to some of the student's questions:
We have 25 children in the class with 13 girls and 12boys. Our names are Shannon, Katie, Lauren, Lauren, Emily, Jaime, Kellie, Stephanie, Meghan, Elizabeth, Mackenzie, Krista, Bailey, Nathan, Taylor, Travis, Alex, David, Brendan, A.J., Sean, Ben, Drew, Luke, and Philip.
Pokemon is the big film as well as television favorite in first grade.
Yes, there are wild animals here in the U. S. My students thought of the following in our area: many kinds of birds-cardinals, robins, bluebirds, pigeons, wrens, hummingbirds, blue jays, starlings and others bees, wasps, fireflies, ladybugs, snakes, turtles, worms, raccoons, deer, foxes, butterflies, moles, groundhogs, ants, rabbits, squirrels, different fish in our rivers, lakes, ponds, and others that they didn't know their names. (I think they were thinking of different bugs.)
We don't have a zoo in our town, but St. Louis which is nearby, has a wonderful zoo. All of the children have visited it.
The children have parents that work as nurses, chemists, computer specialists, flight attendants, food servers, firefighters, scientists, own and operate their own business, office workers, bankers, and some are students.
Some of their favorite toys are Pokemon items-stuffed animals and cards, different computer games, Barbies, and things for sports. Many of the students play soccer and baseball.
For grades it is 1, 2, or 3. One is the best grade you can receive.
I will send some photos that will answer some of the other questions about our school. It is spring here and our weather is warmer than yours. It was 23 c. here today.
Anyway I think that answers most of the questions and hello to Galina, too. I hope we can continue this exchange with new students next year. It is kind of hard at the end of the school year with the delay in mail, but e-mail is a good alternative.
Dear Valya,
My students were most amazed with the halfday school schedule and with having to go to school on Saturday. I would very much like to continue our exchange. I think it is very important for my students to experience life outside of the U.S. through pictures, letters, questions and answers and photos. I will have first grade again next year. Next year I thought I would work with the art teacher on some pictures. I thought we could have a theme such as the family, ocean animals, seasons or etc. She could have the students use a variety of materials for these activities and then we could send them to you. I love the idea of an exhibition. That is what I want to do with your students drawings from "The Mitten". I thought I would also have my students do some drawings related to that story. That will be something for next year as this school year ends on June 6th. (We are still waiting on their drawings.)
My students don't have a journal or a homework notebook. The upper elementary students have homework assignment notebooks. I believe their parents must sign them. Then the teachers know that the parents are aware of the assignments. I send home their homework in a weekly newsletter or by individual notes. As far as grading, I put a grade directly on their paper. At the end of each quarter, the students have report cards and they give the grades in all subjects for that quarter. Yes, I do remember the bear stamp. I have one just like it.
If I get the tape from my students music concert, I will make a copy and send it to you. Then you will hear some of the children's songs. While I read my students poems, they don't really memorize them. I recall that was a very popular thing to do when I was a student. Have I sent you some of the rainforest poems? I thought I did, but when you mentioned poems it made me wonder. Let me know.
We just had our roof inspected and the hail did no damage to our roof so that's good. I am going out to plant in the garden and pull lots of weeds. Have a wonderful Easter and hello to all of your family.
Much love,
Dear Boys and Girls,
I am glad that you enjoyed the pens and the book.
This week at school we are having a reading celebration. At the beginning of the school year, a goal was set for the entire school to read and earn points by passing reading comprehension tests. The goal was to earn 20,000 points. We have met our goal and each day various activities are planned. Each day has a theme.
On Monday it is "Reading Takes You Places". We will read about other places.
Tuesday is "Reading Jogs the Mind" and we will read about sports and other activities.
Wednesday is "Don't Short-Change Yourself Read" and we will do some math activities with money.
Thursday is "Wolf Down a Good Book" and we will read books about wolves.
On Friday the entire school will go outside and read for a short time. At the beginning of the year the librarian promised to kiss a goat if the students earned 20,000 points so during this outdoor reading time the children will watch the librarian kiss a goat. It is all rather silly. (Unfortunately I will miss all of the Friday events as I have to visit the doctor for my vaccinations for my China trip.)
My students and I will talk about the answers for your other questions and will send them to you later.
Betty Ackermann
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